Blog/NEWSCheck out our articles on everything fitness, exercise or training and catch up on the latest news!
Blog/NEWSCheck out our articles on everything fitness, exercise or training and catch up on the latest news!
On Monday 21st June 2021, we will fully reopen for Personal Training both at our home gym and our mobile offerings.
This is of course subject to any change from the Government with the expected date... There is no denying that the Covid-19 pandemic has been tough on lots of us for many different reasons. Even though there have been some definite benefits to spending more time at home, for many of us it has meant a drop in our fitness levels. Between the temptation to snack, the guidelines to stay at home and the closure of gyms, finding the time and motivation to work out has been tough. That said, the latter half of 2021 looks set to be a much better year, so why not plan now how you can improve your health and fitness levels?
Almost anyone can put on some trainers and do some more walking or exercise at home in an attempt to improve their fitness. Of course, moving your body is always a good thing and something that lots of us would benefit from doing more of. That said, is it enough to just move your body? Actually, there are lots of benefits of working out with a Personal Trainer instead.
AuthorPegden PT & Fitness - we occasionally publish blog and news articles for all. Archives
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